
Contribute is for readers to send in something that can be put onto the magazine. It will be moderated and put on if we think it is good. We are going to try to make this magazine more interactive for followers.

If you live in South Korea or have been on holiday in South Korea then it'll be much appreciated if you wrote a review of a place in South Korea. We will have some reviews on some places in South Korea, but they won't be based on personal experience. There is no limit to the amount of words, but pictures are needed. No cussing/slang is to be used in any reviews, no exceptions. 
Travelling review is not the only review you can write. A good review would be on a Korean website or a website involving Korean culture and that can help readers or a Korean band that you like.

Readers that are interested in fashion can submit full body photos of their fashion styling. If you are going to send in a photo album you need to have the minimum of 2 photos and the maximum of 5. We would also like you to write a small story on what inspired you to style these outfits (preferably Korean inspiration). If you don't want to model the photos, then you can send in your stylings with someone else modelling them (you just have to tell us that it's not you modelling). 
Also, if you do a sewing/fashion design course then you can send in photos of your creations/designs with a description on what inspired you (again, preferably Korean inspiration).

Blog Header
Every month we are going to change the blog header, just like a magazine has a different cover every month. At the start of every month we will post what next month will feature. If you want to design the header for that month then just work along the guideline ^ ^
If you do submit the winning design we will send you an interview and you'll be featured in the magazine ^ ^

The only articles that we will accept through submit is news articles that aren't copied from other news sites (like all-kpop and soompi). If you're going to submit a news article the words have to be your own and at least 2 photos along with it.

  • With all submissions we note who submitted it and with some of them we include an interview from you. We hope this will help you, but if you wish to stay anonymous just say so ^ ^
    Also, the rules are that if you're submitting something, please do not use copyrighted images or articles that is not your own words. No rude material will be accepted, or swearing. You know the basics rules for every other website like this, so please apply them here and respect our wishes ^ ^ Thank you. And thanks even more for your submissions. We look forward to seeing them!