June 2, 2010

Editor Letter

Welcome to K.Fashion Magazine. For those who have wandered across this blog, it's an online magazine based on Korean culture. We post things from Ulzzangs, Fashion, Music, News and more. For those who have deliberately come to this blog through the affiliating blog on tumblr: Welcome.

We hope to make K.Fashion a great blog for all Korean culture fans to come and read/see the latest things. The blog will have a monthly theme and the header will be changed to make things more interesting. For the first competition for K.Rock, we're looking for someone to design the header for next month. The header has to have something that relates to Korean culture, whether it's ulzzang, K-pop, or Korean stars. The best one will be placed as the header and we'll do an interview with the designer and place it on the blog (you don't have to do the interview). Read the contribute page for more information.

The blog archive lists monthly and we will try to keep up every month with the latest news and photos. The blog email is found on the left column of the blog. Feel free to send in letters or anything you want to see in the blog. If you'd like to have a story article submitted then read more on contribute page ^ ^

Thanks for your future support and help us with spreading the word around! 감사합니다!

Your editor team.

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